Just some of the comments from our clients: 

"The support offered has been invaluable.  The support recieved has built our confidence to move SEND forward and we are now on an exciting pathway of development" (Headteacher)

"Initially I wasn't quite sure what to expect, however it was clear explained at each point. I found the consultation to be very supportive and informative. It was useful in the way of suggestions in how to go about various SEND processes and possible templates" (SENCo)

"It certainly helped with doing a more formal SEND review; it was positive that we now know the developmental areas and have already begun to put things in place.  Everything we went through was current and relevant to Local Authority expectations as well as taking into account the needs of the children" (Assistant Headteacher)

"professional, positive and made staff feel at ease. I will definitely be calling on the expertise again" 

(Assistant Headteacher and SENCo)

"As SENCo I found the support and advise extremely helpful. Whole staff SEND training was informative and useful for all and I have received positive feedback from everyone" (SENCo/ SLT)